In 2016, the Golden Jackal was first sighted in the Netherlands. It was necessary to know how the suitable habitat areas are linked to ensure genetic diversity of the species without having any conflict with wolf for habitat space and any obstacle for their paths. GIS tools identified movement paths and locations where the connections between suitable habitats are obstructed by water

Land Classification by Machine learning

It is beneficial to understand land class using satellite data. Machine learning algorithm enables us to map land classes.

Multi label detection by deep learning

In addition to machine learning, deep learning is also beneficial for land management. In this case, it was used to detect multiple objects in a single image. I applied several deep learning models, then achieved more than 90% f-1 score by the fine-tuning model of MobileNet3.

Biodiversity and its education

Biodiversity is the key to tackle climate change. It is important to understand the biodiversity of the area and educate people to protect it. Check out the concept of our Canopy Chase app to achieve this goal below (* only accessible from WUR students and teachers):

Canopy Chase Concept video

Canopy Chase App

Leafmap MapLibre Demo Web App

My first Machine learning Web App for Iris Flower prediction

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